Wednesday, November 30, 2005

THE POWER OF THOR and friendship!!!

I'm sitting here listening too THOR and was beginning too feel really depressed again for some odd reason . I've been feeling a little sick lately and am just plain sick of most human beings as usual . After a few minutes of listening too THOR"only the strong" cd, it put a smile on my face and made me feel really tough like i did way back in '86 when i was listening too this cd on a dubbed cassette and singing "Let the blood run red" at the top of my lungs! All of a sudden my stomach was really upset so i just puked my guts out . It was probaly due too the coffee i had 5 hours ago??? I dunno, but i sure feel alot better .
Some cool things have been happening lately: I found the cords for my videocamera so i can dub NOISE 101( a show i set up last month w/ BRUCE HORMANN and THE CINDY MARGOLIS IS HOT BAND) that took place at Unified Groove Merchants, as well as THE EARWIGS/SONIC DISORDER 4-track/booter jam that i also videotaped . I'm gonna put these both on vhs and send a few out too some pals .
My pal Adam/MOTH also has been helping me out alot by letting me print out a bunch of stuff for #3 of my 'zine THE GREAT BEAST HERO! . I hope too get this issue out in early December!
He also printed out all the stuff i have so far for my book, MUTANT ON THE BOUNDARY that i started on 3 years ago . I'm also real happy because i could not find the 2nd half of what i'd typed and then all of a sudden i found the file!!!
I also got a cool e-mail from my bro. Billy/RAZORBACK RECORDS and he wants PILE OF EGGS too play the RAZORBACK FEST this summer!!!!!!!!
Last saturday i was watching the '94 P.O.E. video and just laughing! I really MISS those guys and am really looking forward too seeing'em all again!
I really WISH Steveggs and Duncan would be friends again??? Who knows? Mabe one day!?
Lately besides this stuff, i've been doing some e-mails, trying not too let people piss me off, reading THE GREAT SHARK HUNT(Hunter S. Thompson), BOOK OF THE SUBGENIUS, THE REDNECK MANIFESTO(Jim Goad) and finally getting back into THE NIGHT STALKER about Richard Ramirez .
Been playing THE THING, THE SIMS 2,(both on Xbox) WWE:SMACKDOWN VS. RAW 2006(Ps2), and MERCENARIES alot lately! Oh yeah, and i'm back into GOLDENEYE:ROGUE AGENT again!
Listening too G.G.ALLIN like crazy also, plus THE MIGHTY THOR, MOTH, and myself puke!
I need too e-mail some pals i haven't gotten back too in awhile and also tryn' exercise . I cannot do pushups without feeling like i'm gonna break . Nice life!
My goal almost 2 years ago was too build myself up like Conan the Barbarian but so far i am No-Man the Slobarian .
Ah well,...
I also got some kick-ass packages recently from my friends Stan(T.E. cd-rs and G.G. dvd!!!), Zach(G.I.S.M. video and great 'zine!!!), Jeff(pic.s from the WORST THE EARWIGS show ever!!! 7/05), my new friend Michelle(pic.s from NOISE 101!!!) and the kick-ass G.G. cd's and dvd from Merle Allin!!!!!!! .
I'm gonna tryn' draw some new pictures soon of my Dreamgirl and mabe some of SON OF GEIN wiping out some assholes( as usual - hee.hee.hee.).
Watched AMERICAN MOVIE agin at Adam's on Thanksgiving and just laughed and had fun!
Welp, i think that's enough for now so i'm gonna eneter the world of 007 and zone out from this lame reality!
From Space too the unknown - THE BIZARRE ALIEN. Gynger Rules!!!

p.s. I think i should lay off the hentai stuff but then again, WHO CARES!!!!!
"You're never gonna tell me what too fucking do! Fuck off!!!" - G.G. ALLIN

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Hack smash and CRUSH!!!!!!!

It's tuesday afternoon at 1:26 a.m. and i'm sitting here listening too Sloth's 7" cd collection again . Reall good stuff by this super heavy wacked band from Ohio and the only band by this name that i will recognize even tho there are other bands by the same name - duh.
Last week i got really upset and was about too change my bands name . Years ago in an issue of Maximum Rock & Roll i see an ad for a 7" by a band called "Earwig", then awhile back my pal Kai tells me that another friend knows someone who goes by the name of "Earwig", then the nail really hit when i was reading the latest issue of MRR and there's 2 reviews of these old new wave/punk comp.s with a band called "Earwigs" . Well, after talking too another friend, i thought about it and decided SCREW IT!!!! I've been doing alinoise destruction musick under the name THE EARWIGS for over 15 years now . I got the name/inspiration from Alice Cooper as it was the name of a band he was in in high school wayyyyy back! If those guys had done an album i would have gone under a different name from the beginning . None of these other bands have even stuck around or even kept the name or whatever so screw it - besides this, i am used too the name and will KEEP USING IT . I like the fact that THE EARWIGS confuse people because there are some folks who think T.E. is an actual "band" . Way back when i was thinking of names, this was the best one i could think of and that is the way it shall stay!
I'm really tired right now cuz i woke up a little after 7:00 this morning too get my check, went too the bank, then went too Rite Aide, came home and fell alseep for 2 hours or so . I am feeling groggy and also trying too calm myself down as i am pretty nervous for some stupid reason . Probaly because i wnated too smash a few people's skulls in this morning .
I really despise most people and could care less what happens too the human race .
The latest news has been this douche bag here in Spokane killed a woman and her son and it seems like there's such an out puring of "oh, he isn't a violent boy" and the whole, "why would a young man do such a horrible thing" . CRY ME A RIVER YOU BUTTBALLS!!! The kid is a frikking cold hearted piece of trash and should be put up against a wall and SHOT!
I gues i'm a hypocrite because right now i could care less about the 'shooter' in Toronto . All these holiday shoppers crying about "The Shooter" .
I HATE malls, i HATE yuppies, i HATE people in general and i'm SICK of all these poeple whining about 'the horrors of society' blah.blah.
We have serial killers because it's called 'natural selection' and these people are just cleaning up society - as cold as i may sound .
Nature has a way of filtering it's own so why can't human beings ?
Ther are too many humans in this world and i for one am SICK of it!
People PLEASE stop breeding! I read something recently in a punk zine and this individual was upset about people calling her and other folks who have kids, "breeders" . Well, YOU ARE!!!!
Who would be cruel enough too raise a child in this world of filth???
You people act like you're so special and privaliged . I'm especially SICK of all these squares in releationships who act like they are so "cool" because they're with someone( see my last blog for this particular rant) .
I'd rather rent a whore and get it over with! What else? I think i'm gonna zoom and talk about nicer things next time! Ah that feels better! KEEP THE FILTH!!!!!
Slayer of jocks, yuppies, suits and posers everywhere! THE BIZARRE ALIEN.
P.S. right now i have a total HATE ON for all these twats that think they're hip because they like "Takasshi Miike" but are too stuck up too talk about his flicks and other cool crazy flicks! DIE IN HELL P O S E R S ! ! ! I HATE YOU !!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Ah, another saturday is over and here i sit once again at my computer doing a new blog! I hung out with my pal Adam earlier after i was at Jimmyz for about an hour by myself drinking 2 cups of coffee, tho i did see my friend Gregg and this girl i know showed up with a guy . I was a little bummed that i didn't get too really say anything, but ah well! I think he was her boyfriend or something - which is cool cuz lately i've been thinking about females alot and realize that i will probaly NEVER have a relationship with a "real" girl and quite frankly, I DON'T CARE!!!
I've seen enough garbage between people in regards too relationshipes . Arguing, back stabbig, cheating, lying, etc.etc. Yeah, i know i'm thinking too negativly, but let's face it - most relationships are just a joke and i really get SICK of seeing people making out in public or being affectinette . Am i jealous? Mabe a little but i feel that many people do it on purpose just too show off and it makes me wanna vomit, especially when it's right in front of me . I usually make a gagging sound or make a comment like, "yeah, that's great" or one of my faves., "get a frikkin' hotel room, geez!" .
I really hate it when i go too the mall where all the zombies hang out and see groups of stereotyped looking gay guys and thier stuck-up plastic girlfriends holding hands and when they see me i get dirty looks . Last week this Asaian couple were walking towards a friend and i and the guys girlsfriend nearly walked into me and then just stood there looking away like i didn't even exist, so i just stood there refususing too move .
At least the bitch's boyfriend was a gentleman enough too say, "oh excuse us" . I wanted too punch his stupid girlfriend in the face and give her a smackdown for all too see that The Bizarre Alien won't take crap from a stuck-up twat!
Most people all together are incredibly FAKE conformist mob mentality pussies who can't think for themselves, following the latest weak trends and look down on anyone who isn't in the upper fiancial bracket such as themselves .
I feel that this is the age of the new Roman Empire .
Let me just say that the barbarians are waiting outside the gates of this "empire" and WILL win the battle when the time comes .

When i was younger, i used too constantly have crushes on tons of girls who didn't even know i existed, unless it was when i was getting humiliated by the facist jock straps or their white and black trash minions .
I would write 'love letters' every night, but end up throwing them away in fear .
I used too fantasize that at the end of my high school life, on the last day i would be "cool" and walk off with the hottest girl in the school getting high fives from everyone, including my enemies who by then would be bowing in respect too my extreme coolness! Ha!ha!ha! It didn't work out that way and here i find myself STILL hating those people and wishing i could go back in time and enact my revenge with a baseball bat .
I had a chance too go one more year in high school too graduate and i seriously almost did it, tho a big inspiration was due too a gorgeous gal i knew whom i saw during the summer one year and she smiled telling me that mabe our lockers would be near each others . Nope! I thought about how much i HATED that fraking school, how much i wanted too wipe out all those assholes and tolf my Grandma that i could not handle it, so i got too stay home and spent the next year with HEATHCLIFF/CATS & CO., MACGUYVOR, MARRIED WITH CHILDREN, GET A LIFE, U.S.S. UP ALL NIGHT*with Gilbert Gottfried and Rhonda Shear!!!), THE SWAMP THING, WAR OF THE WORLDS t.v. series, SILK STALKINGS, BATMAN*1966-68 t.v. series!),etc.
I think i chose wisely . It may have been the 1st school massacre if i had too go one more year!
I despise most people and always will . I have some faith in the human race but not a whole lot .
The true friends i have are for life, and the flakes can just blow in the wind like dried dog poop!
I've only gone out with one Earth girl in my life and it didn't last . It WAS a learning experience that i for one NEVER want too experience ever again!
I have loved the girl of my dreams since '92 and always will . I believe in her more than any LAME Earth female and always will!
I think of her every day and know i WILL meet her one day .
I always wish the BEST of luck too my friends and allies who engage in relationships and always hope they will last in a happy positive way!
I could not and will not spend my life worrying about sex or any of that stuff . Most of my true heroes have been loners and thus shall i be, unless my dreams come true which it looks like will not happen in this lifetime, but that's o.k. because i accept that .
More stuff too blab about next time! If you think i'm a misogynistic misanthrope for my opinions - THANK YOU!!! KEEP THE FILTH!!!
The Bizarre Alien. Earth.



Thursday, November 03, 2005

Today's Alienews!!!

Yee-haaaaa . Here i am again on my own, going down the only road that i know . Duh! What a day so far . Woke up earlier at 11:30 a.m. but was still tired even tho i went too sleep just a little after 4:00 a.m. after reading some of REDNECK MANIFESTO by Jim Goad and THE GREAT SHARK HUNT by Hunter S. Thompson .
Made a huge ass pot of rice with corn and this purple cabbage and haven't even eateen yet and looking at my clock, it's now 2:35 p.m. .
I finally got off my backside and checked out the AMERICAN MOVIE site . I LOVE those guys and the site inspired me so much that i actually hooked up my instruments too my 4-track without too many problems and did a "rehearsal jam" for my new side project FARTKNYFE which will be total shit feedback fart noise grind crap poop . Last saturday i hung out with Adamoth and Darren and Adam and i made a cover which will be the FARTKNYFE side of a split cd-r with legendary CRAP band POLLUTED THOUGHT(Erik's stuff will be a re-release of the classick "Perverted & proud" tape from '92(???)) . I am really looking forward too doing this! I may wait and ask Jarret if he wants too play bass/noise for this and mabe Adam on elctronics or something??? I still gotta do an evil intro for the album as well . I'm SICK of all these 'evil nationalist no sense of humour black/death/doom' butthole bands/people, so i'm looking forward toomaking fun of them!!! I was gonna record some FARTKNYFE but gave up due too time and the stuff was sounding too 'good' so i decided too look for my videocamera battery . Halluluia(sp???) I FOUND IT!!!!!! Buried under a stack of paper and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit calender babe pictures i collect at work! I'm gonna re-charge the battery while i'm at work! I also found a BRAND NEW BATTERY in my cameras case! I am so happy about this man!
I started writing a script last night at work which is a cross between SPACE IS THE PLACE(Sun Ra), WELCOME TOO MY NIGHTMARE(Alice Cooper) and myself in the starring role as a fristrated guy who commits suicide but returns in a very interesting sci-fi manner! I am going too e-mail Tim and ask him for the black and white film . I am very EXCITED about this project and also am looking forward too getting some friends too help me with my short, FULCI:THE UNDEAD . I asked Jarret if he'd like too play the zombie and he said YEP! Hopefully he won't dissapear again? I hope too get $11 that he owes me . Nice life!
What else? I beat MERCENARIES last night thanks too some cheat codes i found in the latest issue of GAME INFORMER . I felt a little guilty using codes, but the last level in this game is freaking TOO DIFFICULT!!!! It's the only time i had too cheat, si i guess it's not too bad???
I'm gonna start posting stuff in my new blog THE GREAT BEAST HERO most likely a huge praise of Troma Films who i frikking LOVE SO DAMN MUCH!!!! Lloyd Kauffman is truly one of my biggest heroes!!!!
welp, not much going on so i'm outta here!
Gotta play a game for a bit, eat some food and hopefully not get bad indegestion again like i have again lately.
All my LOVE too the beautiful Mrs. Alien - Queen of Xenthpheon and girl of my dreams forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

American Heroes!!!

Everytime i hear the word, "American Hero", i have too laugh . Call me unpatriotic if you want but i think it's a joke cuz all i can think of is G.I. Joe or some right wing douche bag yelling about 'them homos, communists, blah.bla.blah." . My point is, i consider true "American heroes" too be people like Harvey Peckar and Mark Borchardt .
Check out the films AMERICAN SPLENDOR( as well as the comic-book by the same name!) about the life and times of Harvey, who is still alive despite some harrowing experiences( that mostly being cancer he had wayyyy back!) and AMERICAN MOVIE which is a documentary film about a guy named Mark who is trying too make a movie, then 2 years into the project, he quits and starts working on a shorter film project he began a couple years before . The trials and tribulations this guy goes thru is just amazing! Along the way, you meet many of his friends and associates are total characters( especially Mike"Vodka" Schank - a lovable slow neat super talented guitarist and very hilarious!!!) . The smae thing for AMERICAN SPLENDOR . Harvey Peckar is just a regular guy going thru a 2nd divorce, has a dead end job and is very gloomy and always seeming too find the worst in anything( gee, kinda like me!) but one day he started doing stick figure illustrations about his life and people around him, situations,etc. and too make a lomng stort short, he gets some pretty dman famous people too illustrate his stuff and he became semi-famous after this . There IS a happy ending too all this, despite what Mr. Peckar will tell you in the beginning of this great flick! Same thing with AMERICAN MOVIE . These guys are such characters, and you know what makes them REAL AMERICAN HEROES??? Well, becuase they are just regular "American" guys working too survive and along the way they are doing something special and tho they may not realize it, they are INSPIRING other REAL people with their creativity! I think these guys are great and are amongst a few other people that have inspired me in my life recently( tho i did check out one of the AMERICAN SPLENDOR graphic novles back in '94 - frikking GREAT stuff!!!) along with William S, Burroughs(r.i.p.), Charles Bukowski(r.i.p.), H.P. Lovecraft(r.i.p.),etc.etc. I wish i would get off my lazy ass and do more tho .
My pal Tim is doing a documentary film about me and we did a ton of stuff for it last May . When it is eventually out, i hope that it inspires someone out there?
I highly recommend the 2 above mentioned films . Oh yeah, and one of the real cool things about AMERICAN SPLENDOR is that the real Harvey Peckar narrates it and shows up off the set off and on along with his wife Joyce, friend Toby and a few others! What else? I never cared for GI JOE, COBRA IS WAY COOLER!!!! DESTRO#1!!!!!!! The Baroness is HOT and i'm outta here so raise the flag of the Cobra Empire, throw poop at people and have a fine day! Na-noo na-noo . THE BIZARRE ALIEN. OUTERSPACE. GYNGER RULES - EARTHGIRLS, eat poo!!!

Monday, October 17, 2005

METALLICA, blah.blah.blah and life .

Ye-ha! yay wow wee here i am again after a long ass delay yet again . Right now i am in a wierd bummed depressed mood for a few reasons . 1.) It's monday - i HATE mondays more than Garfield ever will . Why doesn't that fat ass lazy bum of a cat just go too hell? I LOVE Garfield but that cat really annoys me sometimes . Geez, i'm ragging on one of my fave. characters . Now i'm starting too fell better cuz this is hialrious just thinking about! o.k., i'm just cracking up and feeling happy to be alive! I still freaking hate mondays tho . Monday = mundane or however you spell that word? I'm too lazy too lokk at my dictionary . Listening too METALLICA"ride the lightning" right now . Geez, i LOVE this album and have since the 1st time i heard it waaaaayyyyy back in '85 thanks too a dub i got from somebody . I thought the whole METALLICA/MEGADETH "war" was damn funny! In the aftermath of this ridiculousness, i have too say MEGADETH were clearly the winners . At least Dave Mustaine didn't cut his funking hair off and startt playing lame-ass 'alternative country hard rock sissy ballad crap", and that big mouth Lars"cry baby"Ulrich whining about Napster and all that downloading crap . I gotta say i DO agree with him that it IS stealing music . On the other hand, i don't care because major labels suck and who the hell wants too download METALLICA's post-"Master of Puppets" stuff? I can barely tolerate "And justice for all" . I had the cassette the 1st week it came out way back TWICE, and it BORED the hell out of me! A new band called "METALLICA" formed after the death of the mighty Cliff Burton(R.I.P.) . METALLICA's music was the soundtrack for all the metalheads, loners, losers, freaks,etc. How sad it is they're eMpTV WHORES now and they cater their music too the yupppie/suit and tie/facist jock strap GARBAGE . I'm glad i can still appreciate the magic of their 1st 3 albums . When i 1st heard their "St. anger" album i was really suprised cuz the 1st song is really PISSED OFF and HEAVAY but as it progressed i thought i was listening too Limp BisqDick and/or spme other LAME rap/rock 'angst ridden' puke .
blah.blah.blah. Lately i've been up too the usuals, watching/collecting a TON of anime and movies like: GHOST IN THE SHELL:STAND ALONE COMPLEX t.v. eps, LUPOIN THE 3RD(various films/t.v. eps.), MPD:PSYCHO t.v. eps., FIRE AND ICE, MAGICAL SHOPPING ARCADE ABENOBASHI Vol.1-4, HANZO THE RAZOR(3 film boxset), OLD BOY, FRIENDS FOREVER, AMERICAN MOVIE, AMERICAN SPLENDOR, ROCK AND RULE, THE DEAD NEXT DOOR,WEASELS RIP MY FLESH, PI,RUN LOLA RUN, TXX-1138, HIRUKO THE GOBLIN, DUEL,CHOKING HAZARD, A TALE OF TWO SISTERS, HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES, BLUE GENDER t.v. eps.,FCKN'BSTRDS"noise trash" dvd-r, and some other great stuffs! Listening too XBRAINIAX, W.A.S.P., THE GEROGERIGEGEGE, FCKN'BSTRDS, KOLOB, EMIL BEAULIEAU, and some other bands, getting close too the end of THE TALISMAN( which is EXCELLENT!!!), looking up hentai and some XXX stuff, haqnging out with some friends, etc. I've got so much more too talk about but it's getting late and i got some things too do before i go too work yet again . I'll do a new post tonight! Thanks too anyone who actually takes the time too read these . If you don't like them, then please just voice your complaints too Tubgirl . She's got a lovely SUPRISE for YOU! Now zooming outta here - THE BIZARRE ALIEN. EARTH.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Bizarre Warrior vs. Evil dead

Yee-haaaa!!!!!!!!! It's yet again been awhile since my last post but here i am again . So many peopel start blog's then mabe do one or two then just quit . Duh!!! I've thought about quitting doing this myself, but Fkkk that man! I know some people read this, and besides that one day this stuff'll all be in my book i've been slowly working on for like 3 years or so . I didn't have a computer for almost 3 weeks when in a sudden fit of anger, i freaked out and kicked my last computer a couple of times after one of my fave. site Ricefever was downloading incredibly slow . Instead of being patient and re-starting my computer, i just lost it and BOOM!!! No computer for almost 3 weeks . It was pretty hard and it didn't take too long too begin really regretting what i did . Needless too say, no matter how frustrated i get, i will NOT ever abuse this new computer . I'm sorry i killed my last computer, but my pal Sam is doing something with the tower/motherboard, so it will live on,.. sort've??? A whole lot of stuff has happened since my last post . Some things: Picked up a bunch of dvds: ICHI-1, ROCK AND RULE(2 disc special ed.), WIZARDS, BOILING POINT(thanks too Adam for noticing it at Pawn-1!!!), LUPIN THE 3RD:DRAGON OF DOOM, ONMYOJI, ASSAULT ON PRECINT 13(John Carpenter!!!), CLEOPATRA 2525(complete eps. set!!!), DARK WATER(the ORIGINAL Japanese film), and i FINALLY just broke down and got EVILDEAD on dvd . I really have been trying too be patient for the day i would pick up the 'Book of The Dead" veresion, which is the same exact dvd except this one comes in a "Book of The Dead"( a cool imitation of the book from the film complete with a creepy rubbery cover!!!) . I WILL own this one day! I misspell too much in my blogs and you know what??? OH WELL!!! I finished THE EARWIGS"noise beast" album but am having problems hooking up the right cords too mix down the other 1/2 of the album . It's been too damn HOT too really concentrate so all i've been doing is sleeping too much, playing some videogames and of course watching alot of movies and some anime as usual . Drinking the usual lots of coffee as well and crapping my pants! The last month i've been listening too W.A.S.P.(1st 2 albums re-released on cd with liner notes, extra songs,etc.!!!), ALICE COOPER, VENOM,etc. I FINALLY scored SLAYER"haunting the chapel" ep(on cd!!!) and BORDEOMS"pop tatari" after 11 years!!!!!!!!! As a suprise, i also found VENOM"ein klein nachtmusick(???)" LIVE cd!!!!!!!!!!! Hung out with my pal Shawn last sat. and we went up too The Garland and watched THE BIG LEBOWSKI . 4th time i've seen it - man i LOVE this flick!!! Whatta CLASSIC!!!!!!!!! I hope myu pal Tim does make some t-shirts!!! I know a few people besides myself who would LOVE too get some!!! What else? Hung out with Adam earlier, then went and hung out with Darren and Neil . Lottsa fun! We watched BE COOL( it was/is a.o.k. - Uma Thurman ROCKS!!!!!!!) and some anime! Lottsa fun! Ate a popsicle, drank a beer, laughed alot and saw some amateur porn stuff( kinda creepy - probaly cuz it's REAL not the totally FAKEY stuff! Fake boobs, bad 'acting',etc.) . Nice life! What else? Listening too CELTIC FROST"to mega therion" with a horrible info-mercial on in the background and food is boiling on my stove . I'm sweaty, itchy and stink . I'll blab more soon with more crap but i'm tired, gotta eat and my headphones are screwy so the sounds of C.F. are breaking up and pissing me off!!! I'm outta here so until next slime - stay pants, take scare and KEEP THE FILTH!!!!!! THE BIZARRE ALIEN. I shall crush using my controller that i hold hidden in the folds of my black cape . Up dodwn up don left right left right r1 r1 rz x - I WIN . GAME OVER!!!!
GYNGER RULES - EARTHGIRLS, just shut up and imagine you really are special! pooping.